Cavitation Surgery


Cavitation Surgery helps to repair and heal areas that are literally “cavities” in the jaw called jaw osteonecrosis. Advances in diagnostic capabilities, such as 3D radiography (CBCT) cone beam technology, has identified these abnormalities in areas of the jaw which can be a risk for chronic infection. Cavitations can form after extractions or failing root canals and can harbor bacteria that cause the bone to soften and dissolve.

How It Works: Laser cavitation surgery opens these cavities to clean out diseased bone and allow the area to heal. Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) and several biologic bone grafting materials may also be recommended to facilitate regeneration of jawbone. Ozone is injected to disinfect the area.

What It Feels Like: varies person to person

What Symptoms/Systems It’s Good For: Cavities and Jaw Osteonecrosis.

How Long Does The Treatment Take?: Treatment time varies from person to person, but is about 40-60 minutes on average.